Education educates!

The right to education is one of the most basic human rights. Education forms the basis for active social, economic, political and cultural participation in a society. But education also forms the basis for people to know and exercise their rights. In addition to school education, however, vocational training is also part of this.
Lack of educational opportunities is a significant factor in migration, because many young people do not find opportunities in their home countries to fulfill their aspirations and shape the future for themselves.

Basic school education is open to almost everyone in Europe. Secondary education is not accessible to all, or is not affordable in terms of time or money. On the other hand, more and more people have access to the Internet and mobile devices.

Through a free supplementary offer via learning platforms for school education, further education as well as vocational training, all people - regardless of their origin and language - should be provided with an educational offer that can be accessed worldwide. To this end, a European academy should be set up, paid for by the EU, in which the hardware and software requirements are created. The personnel required for operation, security and control will also be paid by the EU.
The teaching content is largely in place.

The teaching staff or facilitators could be recruited from the large pool of retired teachers who retire from regular service in Europe each year and would be willing to volunteer for a limited period of time (We expect the supply here to exceed the demand).

Advantage of this solution:
An appropriate educational offer can be developed for all native languages.

For the vocational education an accompanying offer should be offered by handicraft, trade, commerce and industry - as far as possible. This includes temporary stays in companies. The goal should be to train young people in such a way that they are able to earn a living in their home countries and to be able to work as entrepreneurs there.

Some knowledge is already available free of charge on the Internet. In order to be able to use this knowledge beneficially, education is indispensable. Education does not have to stop at borders!

The costs for education are considerably lower than the costs for coping with migration, wars and diseases.
Let's put an end to the lack of alternatives. Education is the better development aid!