Sunrise - The future begins new every morning.

Party for Future and Fact-Oriented Politics - "European Future Party"

Let's dare the new beginning - thinking without ideological barriers!

Perhaps you ask yourself why, in view of the multitude of parties, a new association or party is needed and why this one in particular should be better than the others?
Then you should dive in and deal with the different contents and approaches on these pages. The very fact that you have landed here shows, that you are looking for something different.
This was also the case for me, the initiator of this project.

Increasingly I had to realize that

  • we are more and more restricted in our freedoms,
  • the state penetrates more and more deeply into our lives and determines them from outside,
  • the attempt of the European equalization by a decreed guideline and regulation machinery has taken on exuberant proportions,
  • the number of laws and regulations is constantly increasing and can neither be kept track of nor understood by citizens or companies,
  • international problems are viewed through national glasses in an attempt to develop solutions,
  • simple political solutions are often blocked by ideological barriers,
  • the state intervenes more and more in the free economy,
  • democracies are in retreat and fascist systems and the power of dictators are on the rise
    etc. (this list could be continued endlessly).

Nevertheless, the world has not noticeably improved:

Global crises and increasing tensions, wars, refugee movements, migration, increasing injustice between rich and poor (about 150 large corporations control more than 80% of the world economy), endangerment of democracy and increase in totalitarian systems, environmental problems (there is not only the climate!), oppression, abuse of power, malnutrition and hygienic conditions, etc. are still the order of the day!

I end here with the statement that with all this the single individual - namely the human being - has sunk more and more into the insignificance, economic interests stand against it more and more in the foreground. All of this has been made possible by an overflowing and omnivorous bureaucracy, the ideological incompatibility of the programs and mutual demarcation of the so-called established parties, by a professional politicians (clinging to office), but also increasingly by a media landscape influenced by political and economic constraints, unfree and shying away from criticism.
There are many newcomers as parties, but unfortunately most of them are cheap copies with ideological blindness or based on protest.

In the European Future Party, this is supposed to be different.
Why is that?


knows neither good nor evil,
knows neither left nor right,
knows neither rich nor poor,
knows neither black nor white,
is neither female nor male,
is neither green, yellow, red or black,

Future shall be orange. With this color, taken from the sunrise, it is symbolized that every day there is a new perspective for life. And indeed for the life of all people. With the future party the basis for a good future is to be put.

Future means looking forward and not into the past.  If we look at current politics from this point of view, we see that they are either backward-looking - mostly for reasons of fear - or only or mainly concerned with the present. The result is that individual movements are formed, such as the climate protectors - who in turn have only one issue, climate protection, and act out of fear of the end of the world. But fear is a very bad advisor!

Let us therefore make the future the decision criterion. The topics do not go out and the majority is to decide, what is good for the future, to be supported, demanded and converted or what is bad for the future, to be terminated and steamed in. Majority means here at least 2/3!

You are

  • a self thinking person and not remote controlled,
  • open-minded and not ideologically stubborn,
  • find this approach interesting and not arrogant,
  • are a future-oriented thinker and optimist,
  • want to be part of shaping a future that enables a carefree, environmentally friendly, free, communal and peaceful coexistence?

Then please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

I look forward to hearing from you!

Will we see each other soon or hear from each other?

Manfred Brugger

As an engineer, I am no stranger to problems. For me, problems represent challenges for which solutions have to be sought. However, in order to find a correct and sustainable solution, the problem must first be properly analyzed. And it is precisely at this point that current policy is increasingly failing.

The project is in its infancy and little is set in stone.
New page content is being added successively. New page content will be added successively. I would be pleased if you would also contribute content!